CHANGE TO LIQUID RESTRICTIONS | New Government restriction on liquids carried in hand luggage | All liquids in hand luggage must be in containers of under 100ml
Teesside International Airport Consultative Committee
Teesside Airport has long recognised the benefits of dialogue and good relations with both its users and neighbours.
The Government legislated to formalise consultation at Airports more than 40 years ago. Parliament passed the Civil Aviation Act 1982 of which Section 35 states:
(1) This section applies to any aerodrome which is designated for the purposes of this section by an Order made by the Secretary of State.
(2) The person having the management of any aerodrome to which this section applies shall provide:
(a) for users of the aerodrome.
(b) for any local authority (or, if the person having the management of the aerodrome is a local authority, for any other local authority) in whose area the aerodrome or any part thereof is situated or whose area is in the neighbourhood of the aerodrome, and
(c) for any other organisation representing the interests of persons concerned with the locality in which the aerodrome is situated, adequate facilities for consultation with respect to any matter concerning the management or administration of the aerodrome which affects their interests.”
Department for Transport Guidelines
Where an Airport is designated under these powers, the Department for Transport recommends the operator establishes an Airport Consultative Committee independent of the airport’s management. The Department for Transport published Guidelines for Consultative Committees – updated in April 2014. These say Consultative Committees should:
Provide an opportunity for information exchange between the airport and interested parties.
Provide a structured forum for discussion so as to make recommendations to the aerodrome management and other bodies when appropriate.
Provide the opportunity to reach a common understanding between interested groups about the nature of aerodrome operation, thereby increasing the scope for issues to be resolved amicably. However, people interested in and affected by an aerodrome operation may have mutually inconsistent viewpoints and it is not realistic to expect that all matters of concern will be able to be resolved through discussion.
Promote understanding about airport operations more widely, through dissemination of relevant information by committee members.
Promote understanding by the airport operator of the nature of its impacts on local communities and businesses.
However, the Guidelines also make clear that a Consultative Committee should not:
Detract from or constrain the responsibility of the airport owner and/or operator to manage the aerodrome.
Prevent interested parties from raising concerns directly with the airport, or through other channels.
Serve as a forum for the resolution of disputes; or
Have any executive or decision-making power over the airport.
TIACC draws its membership from Local Authorities, Amenity Groups, passengers and business users, and other groups representing Airport users.
Its current membership as of November 2023, is:
Councillor L McCollom, Darlington Borough Council
Councillor D Reynard, Stockton on Tees Borough Council
Vacancy, Hartlepool Borough Council
Councillor T Furness, Middlesbrough Borough Council
County Councillor J Rowlandson, Durham County Council
County Councillor H Moorhouse, North Yorkshire County Council
Councillor P Foster, Durham Association of Parish Councils
Vacancy, Darlington Association of Parish Councils
Councillor S Crowther, Middleton St. George Parish Council
Councillor L O’Keefe, Egglescliffe Parish Council
Vacancy, Hurworth Parish Council
Mr R.J. Thompson, A.B.T.A. (Association of British Travel Agents)
Mr N F Douglas, CPRE (The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England) (Vice-Chair)
Mr B Robinson, Friends of Teesside International Airport Group (Chair)
Mr Phil Forster, Managing Director, Teesside International Airport
Ms Kate Willard OBE, Chair, Teesside International Airport Board
The meetings of TIACC are normally attended by the Airport’s Managing Director and other Airport leaders who give reports on the many matters of interest to the Committee.
TheCommitteemeets quarterly at the airport and coming meeting dates are listed below:
All meetings will take place in the Prince of Wales meeting room, in the TVCA Offices at Teesside International Airport, and are scheduled between 12 and 2pm.
January 15, 2025, 12pm start
April 16, 2025
July 16, 2025
The Independent Secretary of Teesside International Airport Consultative Committee is David Cosgrove.
For more information, email: