CHANGE TO LIQUID RESTRICTIONS | New Government restriction on liquids carried in hand luggage  |  From midnight on Saturday 8th June, all liquids in hand luggage must be in containers of under 100ml  |  Read more

Everything you need to know about flying post-lockdown.

Posted in: Blog

Published on: 17th June 2021

As the country, the world – and your local airport – begin to take steps to open up after lockdown, a whole host of safety measures have been put in place to so you can take that well-deserved summer break safely once again.

But before you even think about booking your tickets, there are a few things you should do. Firstly, you should check the Government’s traffic light level of the country you’re hoping to holiday in. This not only outlines the coronavirus risk of each country, but details what you’ll need to do on your return to the UK.

So if you’re flying from Teesside to a Green List country, depending on where you are travelling to you may need to take a PCR test and produce a Fit to Fly certificate up to 48-72 hours before travelling or arriving.

When you’re flying back to the UK, you’ll be required to take a pre-departure test prior to boarding the aircraft to the UK and also undertake a PCR test on or before Day 2 of arrival back to UK. You’ll also be required to fill out a passenger locator form too. Provided your tests are negative, you don’t need to quarantine or go into self-isolation.

Should you need to travel to an Amber List country, on returning to the UK, you’ll have to do everything as a Green List country, including 10 days’ self-isolation on return, with a test to release on day 5 and further PCR testing on day 8. Fully vaccinated adults and all children however can now fly to Amber List countries, and do not have to quarantine on return.

As well as that, you should check the Government’s Foreign Travel Advice website. While a country may be on a Green List, they each have their own entry requirements and you’ll be able to see what you need to do to prepare.

Should you need a PCR test before travelling, don’t forget that we have a Covid testing centre right here at the airport, operated by Recovery4Life, a local specialist testing, training and treatment service. To book a test, click here.

When you arrive, the airport also has a number of precautions in place to make sure everyone’s health is protected.

The terminal building is currently for passengers who are intending to fly, so you’ll have to say goodbye to your loved ones before you come in. On arrival, please wear a mask, sanitise your hands and, where possible, keep 2m away from anyone who isn’t in your party.  You should only remove your mask if you’re in one of our new bars or cafes having a drink or bite to eat.

You can check in at one of our socially distanced desks, but if you don’t have hold luggage, you can also check in online. And please minimise what you carry to help avoid hand searches during security checks.

If you want to know the measures being taken by the airlines serving Teesside Airport, you can find details about KLM, Loganair and Ryanair by clicking on the links.

We’re delighted to be reopening to offer people from across Teesside, North Yorkshire and the wider North East a stress-free start to their summer breaks, so follow the simple steps above to get your holiday off to a flying start.

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