CHANGE TO LIQUID RESTRICTIONS | New Government restriction on liquids carried in hand luggage  |  From midnight on Saturday 8th June, all liquids in hand luggage must be in containers of under 100ml  |  Read more

Agent Facebook Group Rules

Travel Agent Facebook Group Rules

The Teesside International Airport Travel Agent group brings together travel agents from across the region so you can be the first to know about the latest news from the airport, we will share offers from our airline partners and provide incentives for increasing bookings from Teesside Airport.

As we grow the group, there are just a few house rules and guidelines that we would like members to follow to ensure we are a safe, friendly, and welcoming group.

  • Be kind

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. Insults, bad language, mean comments or personal attacks will not be tolerated and could result in you being suspended or removed from the group.

  • R E S P E C T

As well as respecting other group members, we ask that you also respect the privacy of the group and don’t share posts from within the group on social media outside of the group. Publishing negative comments in relation to Teesside International Airport, the group or about other group members elsewhere on the internet will also result in removal from the group.

  • Stay on topic

We all love a chat and believe us; we enjoy sharing a meme as much as the next person (airport) but let’s keep things on track and make sure that all posts and comments are related to Teesside International Airport and the subjects being discussed in the group.

The group admin will monitor the group and remove any posts and comments which they do not feel should be in the group, such as:

  • Non Teesside International Airport related posts
  • Charity appeals
  • Duplicate posts (if someone has got there before you)
  • Unavailable posts (make sure they are set to public)
  • Posts from other airport Facebook groups
  • Over-promotion from suppliers
  • Posts which are potentially defamatory or offensive
  • Posts which go against Facebook’s Community Standards
  • Posts which contain files or links to potentially risky content (viruses, fake news, scams, explicit material etc)
  • Any other posts that we deem to go against the interests of Teesside International Airport
  • We reserve the right to remove any post or comment we deem unsuitable for the group

Members can use the ‘report to admin’ function on posts if they believe a post or comment should be checked by Admin.

  • Promotional posts

Teesside Airport Facebook Group is free to join and free to use. You can post any promotional post (offers, jobs, webinars, events, company news) into the Group for free – but only one promotional post per week per brand.

The group rules are here to protect our members and ensure their experience communicating with Teesside International Airport is a positive one.